Wednesday, March 28, 2007

BAZI the only Nutritional Drink with Jujube Fruit

Nutritional Comparison - XANGO, Monavie, Juice Plus and BAZI


The Nutritional Health Drink industry has heated up in a big way. Each company claims that theirs is the most nutritious and healthiest drink. However, what is the truth whose product can live up to their claims.

We will take a look at each product what it claims let's take a look at what each considers "nutritional", after all isn't the real test is what each actually contains.... our source... each company's website. After all if you had the most nutritional drink would you not have the proof prominently displayed for all comers.

The real difficulty was trying to figure out the nutritional value of some of the products. I looked at the XANGO, Monavie and Juice Plus websites and could not find a definitive statement as to how much of each vitamin and mineral it had compared to the "minimum daily adult requirements". Even one-a-day displays that information.

If your product is nutritious would you (shouldn't you) show how nutrious it is? You need to do more then just say it has a nutritional dense fruit from some far off land.... Don't you?

I could find no real information on XANGO MONAVIE or Juice Plus's website. So I thought let's ask the distributors.... after all they sell the product, recruit people to their down lines surely they know, they must have been asked before.....right?


Here are some of the comments that I received:
"The question that you are asking is rather complex, due to the fact that we are dealing with 19 fruits and each one has it’s own percentage of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and Phytonutrients"

When it was pointed out that one ounce of their product me would have "its own percentage" I was told this....

"If you look at all the other products on the market that share any similarities with MonaVie such as Xango, Noni (fake product), Goji (which is in MonaVie), NingXia, AcaiExtreme, Vibe, Zola, JuicePlus, and Thai-go, you will find they do not all release vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidant counts either".


I searched the Internet and came across a website from NORTHERN DIMENSIONS PUBLISHING COMPANY it seems they put together a number of nutritional supplement guides. On their frequently asked questions page ( one of the questions they addressed is whether they had comparisons of Xango, Noni Juice and Juice Plus they answered.............

"We are unable to complete a comparison of food products, including Juice Plus, Seasilver, Noni Juice, Xango and other foods, because no documentation of the amount of nutrients is available. Companies producing these products have no way to control the exact amount of vitamin C and other nutrients in each batch of the product, since it is created from actual fruit, which will vary in its composition due to weather, ripeness, soil conditions and other environmental factors. Based on the available nutrition information for these products, they would not even register against our Blended Standard. To include them in our work would not be appropriate."

First, BAZI is the ONLY nutritional health drink that is mass marketed that contains the JUJUBE JUICE produced EXCLUSIVELY from the jujube fruit in the Shandong Provence of China. If you think where a fruit is grown doesn't matter.... YOUR WRONG. The region, temperature, soil account for the properties of all fruit.
By itself the fact it has the JUJUBE JUICE would make this an astounding product. For those who are unaware of these health and nutritional benefits of the jujube fruit, you should check out the International Jujube Fruit Society.
But BAZI is MUCH MUCH MORE. After all, BAZI has all the nutritionally dense fruits and berries as XANGO, GOJI, and Monavie. In fact it has 8 super dense fruits and berries.....
BAZI is not afraid however to tell you what is inside. BAZI identifies on its website and on its bottle the EXACT amount of vitamins and minerals that you will have when you enjoy BAZI. The list is long so rather then try and copy it here please follow this link to read the actual label (click here).

Why does BAZI take such care in identifying its actual contents. The reason is the athletes who depend on BAZI..... Professional and Olympic athletes cannot risk putting something into their body that that might cost them the Gold Medal or their career. They need to know exactly what is in a nutritional drink and that is why they depend on BAZI.

XELR8, Inc. the company who makes BAZI boasts that over 350 professional and Olympic athletes not only take and endorse the product, but over 94% buy it themselves. We are talking about athletes the caliber of Randy Johnson, Curt Schilling, and Briana Scurry. Top athletes at the top of their game who can have and take anything they want.

This is the same reason that XELR8, Inc's production facilities and practices are all pharmaceutically licensed manufacturing facilities, that also meet food grade manufacturing standards and all ISO standards.

Obviously the winner of nutritional health drinks is BAZI, in our opinion
it has ALL the super dense fruits and berries as the other drinks
It alone has jujube juice

It ALONE identifies it vitamin and mineral content and it is impressive

It is endorsed by premier professional and Olympic athletes from all sports

It is manufactured to pharmaceutical, food grade and ISO standards

For more information on the product go to
For more information on becoming a distributor go to
Live healthy and wise............

Wednesday, February 14, 2007





1. Enhances Cellular Communication
2. Combats Cellular Damage from Free Radicals
3. Eases Sore Throats
4. Nourishes the Blood
5. Aids in Digestion
6. Supports Liver and Spleen Functions
7. Detoxifies the Body
8. Calms the Mind
9. Moderates Nervousness
10. Helps to Overcome Fatigue and Weakness
11. Speeds Recover from Illness
12. Inhibits Gastrointestinal Infections
13. Soothes the Stomach
14. Provides Energy
15. Enhances Metabolism
16. Supports Cardiovascular Health
17. Strengthens Blood Vessels
18. Provides Relief from the Heat
19. Boots Libido
20. Destroys Parasites in the Intestinal tract
21. Suppresses Appetite
22. Supports Heart Lung and Kidney Health
23. Enhances the Immune System
24. Slows the effects of premature aging
25. Induces apoptosis in skin cancer cells
26. Impedes Tumor Growth
27. Assists Weight Loss
28. Counters effects of poison
29. Remedies Boils and Sores
30. Relieves Bronchitis
31. Reduces Fever
32. Acts as a Diuretic
33. Helps in Extracting Energy from Food
34. Alleviates Allergies
35. Facilitates Sleep

FOR more information see -

To try BAZI go to

Friday, January 12, 2007



We have reached the age of enlightenment. Studies have shown that we are better educated, healthier and on the average live longer then those of just a generation ago. We are in the information age where all that there is to know is just a few Google searches away. (

So why when we have the most diverse and plentiful food supply and are in the era of advanced medicines are so many people complaining about their health, about the lack of energy or their mental well being? It seems with all the advances in the quality of life, our hectic lifestyle, heavy workloads, the fast food and the environmental related pollution and diseases are having an affect on the quality of our life.

To combat the lack of proper nutrition, the environment and the hectic pace the dietary supplement market has grown. Between 40 and 48 percent of American adults are estimated to take supplements on a regular basis. For those who pride themselves as athletic, the figure is as high as 57 percent. According to Euromonitor, the American supplement market was worth $7.84 billion in 2004.

But the search for the holy grail of nutritional supplements has been our quest for decades. We have been looking for that supplement that is based on great science, has proven benefits, is all natural and of course where the taste is something that can actually be tolerated.

Well we know the “eureka!” moment that Sir Alexander Fleming must have had when he discovered Penicillin. For us it was the discovery of a new nutritional elixir developed by XELR8, Inc., the company that has brought us nutritional foods, vitamins and energy drinks that are used and endorsed by over 350 Olympic and Professional athletes.

The new health drink is called “BAZI,” a Chinese word that translates literally as “Eight Characters.” The name is based on the eight super fruits and berries that make up this drink. BAZI is a powerful, concentrated, antioxidant nutritional drink that gives you all the vitamin and minerals you need in a single, convenient, one-ounce shot. (

What grabbed our attention was the science behind this product. While XELR8 products have always been based on great research from over 250 universities and research labs around the world. This new drink is in a class by itself. Its principle fruit is the Jujube Fruit. No, this isn’t the confectionary candy that is found in movie theaters. The jujube fruit is a life-giving and restoring sweet treat few Westerners have ever had the pleasure of tasting. The real jujube fruit is the product of an Asian tree, Jujbe ziziphus.jube. It was first documented thousands of years ago in the first known Chinese manual of medicine. So rich in nutrients, high priests called it the “Fruit of Immortality.” The jujube can grow almost anywhere in the world. But the XELR8 group only harvest the fruit from the rich soils found in the beautiful coastal province of Shandong, in northeast China. (

To enhance the properties of the health elixir, XELR8 has added sev
en other exotic fruits and berries that give the drink a healthy dose of 12 vitamins and 68 minerals. The drink contains:

Goji Berry

The Goji berry is derived from 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, and complex polysaccharides which have been shown to strengthen the immune system.

Mangosteen Fruit

The mangosteen fruit contains a specialized class of antioxidants called xanthones, which are highly biologically active. Their potent antioxidant capabilities help the body defend against stress and cellular destruction.

Acai Berry

The Acai Tree located in the Amazon Rainforest has berries that are loaded with antioxidants, anthocyanins, amino acids, omegas, fibers and protein, the Acai berry is one of the most complex and nutritious fruits in all the world.

Seabuckthorn Berry

The Seabuckthorn contains 190 bioactive components. It is a great source for Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, unsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids, and flavonoids.


The Blueberry is the most researched and documented fruit of all time. It is packed with antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins. Blueberries are one of the most potent neutralizers of damaging free radicals, which are produced by physical and mental stress. Blueberries are also scientifically linked to the cardiovascular and immune systems.


The antioxidant found in pomegranate, polyphenols, has provided much science in regards to cardiovascular health, cancer, and even aging.


The raspberry is packed full of vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. It is also high in Ellagic Acid, a phenolic compound that has become known as a potent anti-carcinogenic/anti-mutagenic compound. Raspberries are the crown jewel of phytochemicals and contain a synergistic balance of anthocyanins, salicylic acid, quercetin, and catechins.

Now we were not sold by ancient claims of magical properties of a jujube health tonic able to nourish the blood, liver and spleen, calm the mind, cleanse the body through detoxification, and treat fatigue and weakness. The fact the ancient Chinese herbalist Shennanog recorded these observations over 4,000 years ago is interesting, but what we are impressed with is today’s science.

XLER8, Inc. does not and cannot make any medical claims, but a simple Google search brought to light some very interesting scientific research being conducted in the United States, Europe and Asia. It is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with the jujube fruit.

Jujube is one of the highest fruit sources of Vitamin C in the world—100 times more concentrated than apples, 20 times more than citrus fruits,

A Google search also showed that the Jujube fruit has the highest concentration of two molecules responsible for intercellular communication These are cGMP & cAMP and the jujube fruit has the highest concentration of anything -- plant or animal -- known to man.
The jujube fruit also has an abundance of an organic acid called Betulinic acid. Online, there are loads of data around betulinic acid's role in killing cancerous cells (apoptosis) and also in slowing the progression of HIV.


The testimonials from professional athletes and product testing groups are amazing. One of the amazing aspects of XELR8, Inc. is their ability to obtain endorsements from some of the outstanding professional and Olympic athletes (over 350).

Every individual who has tried the product in the pre-release testing could feel a calm surge of energy within 20 minutes of trying the product.

One athlete who has tried BAZI and has given it an outstanding endorsement is Curt Schilling the Boston Red Sox World Series MVP. Curt Schilling has said that:

"BAZI is really a breath of fresh air. In a day and age when companies make you believe you've got to take 30 different supplements to truly be healthy, knowing I can take a small drink of this and get immense benefits is truly a great thing. Supplements like BAZI are ways for me to keep that edge all older athletes are after." - Curt Schilling, World Series MVP

The XELR8 product review committee who had the opportunity to test the product on a pre-release basis had comments such as:” “The first 20 minutes, what I noticed was a clear focus”; “It’s like pouring liquid sunshine into your brain!”; “ability to focus and work productively, and ”surge of calm energy”. A number of the participants claimed health benefits ranging from allergy relief, clarity of vision, control of high blood pressure, diabetes, and even the cure for the common cold.

These broad range of benefits may be attributed to the concentrated vitamins and minerals derived from the eight fruits and berries or the intercellular communication molecules found in the jujube fruit.


We have all experienced taking vitamins or nutritional supplements where you had to hold your nose and hope the product did not cause heartburn or indigestion after it was consumed. If the taste is not good, then the health and nutritional properties really do not matter for the average consumer will not stay with it. This however does not appear to be a problem for BAZI. Every individual who tested BAZI was astounded by its superb taste. In fact the test groups consensus was that the taste and the calm energy and clarity was so profound that they found the drink to be addictive. It was a challenge to walk past the refrigerator without taking a drink.

XELR8 recommends that you take one ounce up to three times a day to:

o Protect cellular health caused from stress and pollutants
o Strengthen the body’s ability to fight free radical damage and stress
o Provide the body with stable energy and stamina
o Accelerate the body’s immune system
We recommend that you purchase a bottle, try it for yourself and then make it a part of your health, nutrition and exercise regiment.